you're SO FUCKING IRRITATING. just stop talking.
Browsing Moans 481–500
What a hypocrite. All that shit you used to tell me off for and now look at you. My my how the tables have turned. I can't wait til this all blows up in your face and I'll be away from your shit. What goes around comes around.
I was IN BED. As in, the lights shut, me under the duvet, reading stuff on my iPhone until I got a email from you asking me to do something. Lovely.
Stfu bitch. Stop taking to me like I'm a piece of shit.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck ARRRRGHGHGHGHG
it's getting harder and harder to keep smiling and put on a happy face
I know I can trust you, it's those other bitches that I don't trust. Don't mess with my man!!
I absolutely hate people that mask their favours in bullshit conversations that at the end of it mean nothing when you whack out the "oh, by the way can you", "oh yeah that reminds me", "when you get a chance"...
The worst are when they ALWAYS invite you over when you KNOW there's going to be something they want you to do.
Another all time favourite is using their children as a reason to come over then they surprise you with something to do for them.
Of course all of this is free and if you even think about charging them you'll be sent straight to hell.
i honestly don't think men understand what it's like to be constantly judged for your looks.
I don't think our 'friends with benefits' arrangement is working, because you get all the benefits, you selfish DICK!
dont @reply my boyfriend with an x you stupid bitch. he has a girlfriend FYI. your fatness isn't attractive.
i hate all of you
why are you ignoring me? youre supposed to be one of my best mates, and someone i can trust, last night didnt even involve you so why have you not responded to me at all?
is this some sick way of getting your own back at me for arguing with you? im sorry but we all know half the stuff you come out with is bullshit or something you stole for someone else. youre not always right, but i dont care im more interested in you as a friend, not your "stories"
I'm tired, I can't sleep, I feel so stressed. I can't cope :(
i'm not your goddamn secretary to boss around
you're such a prick that all it takes is your voice to annoy me. please leave. please please please please please please please please
its starting to get really annoying how it seems like certain "friends" are forgetting me lately, im here for one more month and either they dont realise it or they think its not worth bothering with me, but still they dont bother seeing if im free to do something, ive always got to make the effort.
and as for two of them that have just started dating, please dear god use your fucking brain and stop acting like youre in some kind of love bubble, its bad enough your moving in together after 2 weeks of dating but youre all over each other when we go out as a group, im happy for you, but seriously its not nice trying to hold a conversation when youre sticking your tongues down each others throats
so, you can't go to any restaurant i recommend, eat my snacks or take my suggestions into consideration; but it's ok if it comes from someone else? you can all go fuck yourselves. all of you.
oh god you're such a twat