moanlog – Anonymous moaning

Browsing Moans 501–520

well that's a nice suprise.

Well at least I now know where I stood all that time. You're a liar, a traitor, and a slut.

Why o why do I always attract the biggest FUCKTARDS in my life. Its like I give off a bloody scent. Just eff off and leave me alone.

Your so afraid of any form of confrontation that now your refusing to even speak to me. I cant help you if you dont want to help yourself by trying to explain exactly what you're thinking about this. You were the dullest girl I've ever had to spend 4 months of my life with, and now that its finally over you're speaking even less. As if that was possible. Are we even friends now? Part of me actually hopes not. So wont you grow a pair and actually try speaking once in a while because theres a lot of shit that we gotta sort out.

there is only SO MANY times you can say "sure or not" in a day. ok?

you can't even remember to buy me lunch when I'm staying in the office to work on YOUR project. i fell totally appreciate. NOT. </1998>

I feel so underappreciated. I am your girfriend not your mother. I deserve better than this!

Choosing over your girlfriend who you love and some stupid computer game must be so hard for you. How do you cope. Note my sarcasm.

i still hate you. and i'm not going to stop hating you until it stops hurting.

Saying goodbye on the platform isn't the best, i miss you so much and i hate leaving you :(

You can't ask me to go with you when you have a girlfriend. You know what, bring your girlfriend or break up with her. She's the dullest girl in the world anyway. You can't have me around as your fake 2nd girlfriend! And stop being so nice to me, it makes it really hard for me to hate you.

yes it still hurts. yes i still hate you. not like you care or give a shit anymore. but it still hurts more than i can manage it.

i hate that your life is better and that you are happier without me. i'm still confused at how the love of my life ended up with someone else. growing up, i always learned that love conquered everything.

obviously everybody lied to me. screw you, everybody.

This stupid site still fixated on being as far left of the page, just to be annoying?

what a way to make a girl feel wanted.

everytime i think i'm making progress, i find out that i'm actually not moving at all. you know what? fuck you. at least i'm making an effort.

the words don't exist for me to describe how much you've hurt me, and continue to hurt me just by living your life without me.

I wish you would appreciate what he does for you. Any other girl would kill for what he does for you.

just send the goddamn thing over. don't call me 4x to tell me that you're sending it. just fucking send it already.

I wish you knew exactly how I felt right now. Everything you said has been a lie. I fell for it all. I never thought you would break my heart yet you did, you went in for the kill. I would have given everything up for you, for us. I hope you realise what you've just lost.

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