moanlog – Anonymous moaning

Browsing Moans 521–540

How could you be so heartless?

So relieved when it was friday and work was over. Aleady getting a knot about Monday coming around. Now i've got a manager position, instead of clinical work being paramount, it's all about Audits and tick box exercises. When I speak about the patients being our priority,it's like i'm howling at the wind.
If I step down into a lower position, I then don't have the power to flag up errors an effect change.
It's lose/lose and I don't know how much more I can take. If you put everything you have into your work, what's left?

The word miss really doesn't justify how much I wish you were round the corner from me, or there when I wake up or there when I go to sleep or there to hug and kiss and cuddle and do cute stuff with. I need you here :(

People don't seem to realise that when things go sour for you and you react by throwing your arms up in the air and swear, they affect people and make it awkward.

Keep doing it and it'll piss them off and they'll rip your head off.

You're one of those people whose parents I wish had used protection.

it's really depressing when you've set an awesome new ringtone on your phone, and 3 days later you're still waiting for someone to call you so that it will ring.

Your always so busy. Maybe one day youll put your other plans second to me. Maybe one day Ill feel like you're actually making an effort. Because this is meant to be fun, and it isnt.
Its hardly even working.

Why can't people walk in a fucking straight line? How does it make sense to walk diagonally? You're not a fucking crab!! Even horses that have eyes on the sides of their heads manage to walk and run straight - what's your fucking excuse?

what part of Year To Date do you not understand?

if you're going to organise a group trip and invite everybody except me, at least have the decency not to do it in front of me.

you're so vain, i bet you think this moan is about you. seriously. get over yourself.

fukin hell if u dont want this then say im bored of playin games wiv you

Bored of always being the instigator.

Now Fuck off work! What do you want, blood? Enough already! I'm going to forget about work and go eat something.

How could you marry her, HAVE A GODDAMN KID, and still tell me that you would have rather married me?! Wtf is wrong with you? Will you grow a pair of balls and take charge of your life? If people wonder why I never married, it's because I'm scared that all men will turn out to be like you.

Because I don't give a shit about them, and if I have to write about them in the exam, there's no doubt that I'm gonna fail it.

What a selfish, self-absorbed little twat you are. Cannot believe you are my brother as I HAVE to love you but most of the time I don't even LIKE you! Fuck you, one day i'll stop bothering and not give two hoots about you. You and Mum are welcome to each other, she's so far up your butt she can't see straight. Frickin' idiots, the both of you. Fuck off, i'm gonna have a fag.

fuck sake mate your never gonna be famous so stop acting like you are. you dont hav a personality and all you ever do is bitch about FICTIONAL ppl on eastenders and shit. shut the fuck up.

why the fuck do i always have to do everything? im not gonna keep giving for nothing in return

what the fuck am I even doing?!
I've fucked u everything big time I mean who the fuck am I anymore

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