Nice to know what you think of me even though I say I'm not like that. Thanks for the vote of confidence :(
Browsing Moans 461–480
Why would you celebrate your 6 month anniversary together? That's like celebrating your half birthday losers!!!
Here's an idea, stop butting into other people's conversations? Or is that too difficult for your stupid little mind to handle. No use trying to pretend your friends haven't abandoned you by doing that, you just just make yourself look like even more of a loser
Because, at the end of the day;
All we want is someone to hold us. Someone to make us feel worthwhile. Someone who loves us for who we really are.
Sometimes it seems that's asking too much.
Sorry for taking time out of my day to call you, dickhead. Sorry I fucking cared.
So long distance = no marriage? Riiiiight
Maybe I should see someone who wants me 150%
I wish you would say you want to marry me/want a future with me when I'm willing to move away from everything including my family just to be with you. The job/career comes after you. If only you knew.
Maybe you should see how it is without me and then we'll see how you cope.
So i'm your gf huh? Nice to see you remember me when it fits you. Way to make a girl feel wanted.
fucking mixcloud cunts don't let people download for some reason, yeh sadly the cunts throttle their upload speed so download is slow, should add the admins to cuntscorner
Stop hitting on my boyfriend you stupid girl!!
And boyfriend of mine: say something and stop being so fucking nice!!!
you make me want to throw my brand new smartphone against a wall and watch it break into a million pieces. just to see something destroyed.
Go away, you don't live here!
how can you say that if your bf breaks up with you, that you won't be hurt? I can guarantee that you do not know what love is and have never loved anyone. you are a fake.
why doesn't my luck change? seriously ffs
This isn't a competition. I got a bf, then you did. I had an iphone then you did. I had a car and yours broke. At least I can say that I am honest to myself.
argh, this is a pile of shit and I'm majorly stressed and my family don't even give a shit
I liked this boy who is 2 years older than me for over a year, and he would always lead me on, which really didn't help. At his older brothers birthday party (we are close family friends) he got really drunk, he started texting me when I was right next to him telling me to meet him in the bathroom, I knew he was drunk and I didn't want too. He kept touching my leg and trying to persuade me, then I actually needed to pee. So I went to the bathroom and then when I came out he was standing in there and pushed me back in. He turned the lights off and started hugging me and kissing me, but he stunk. The thing is, I used to think I was in love with him, so I didn't care and I was flattered. Only now is it that I realised I was very wrong. I ended up getting scared because he was really drunk and saying things. He wouldnt let me out the bathroom so I ended up saying to him, "if you don't let me out now, I'll scream" so he let me out. I ended up telling my mum because I was so scared after, so shaken up. She told his mum and things got a bit worse. But then better, he wrote me a letter saying how sorry he is and how much he regrets it. But ever since then he aparently still feels bad, and it's been a year.. He won't talk to me and its awkward because we meet up every week because of our families, but it's like I'm invisible, he looks straight through me, I know I really liked him but I still feel like somethings missing, I just want him to speak to me again, atleast smile, or look at me, or even join me in a conversation, but it's just not happening. I messaged him a while back saying you shouldnt feel bad etc. but im invisible to you now. and he hasnt replied. That message was sent 5 months ago... How do I get him to message me back or even realize I exist again?
just because i am soon to be leaving this shit hole, don't give me the shit stuff to do. fucking twats
fuck this bull shit.