So I crashed into the back an x reg ford fiesta which was owned by a "friend". I hit her back so it was ultimately my fault. I was in shock at the time when it happened but said I would pay for any damage (as any friend would). You bit me in the back and said to go through insurers. Not only did you ruin what we had as a friendship but you ruined my life for those few weeks whilst your precious car was being dealt with. You decided that your metal piece of junk was worth more than any friendship we had. You made your bed now lie in it. Don't text me after and say "let's not ruin our friendship". I think you'll find *I* didn't ruin anything, you did it all by yourself. I hope you get what you deserve because what goes around comes around.
Browsing Moans 441–460
I should have gone with you all those years ago. If I regret anything, it's that. It could have changed the way my life has gone. And now I'm stuck in this place, with someone I'm not sure I want to be here with, regretting nearly every move I've made in this context.
Things could have been so different. And now I'm stuck between two places, bang in the middle, and I have no idea what to do about it.
I don't think I've ever felt so alone.
don't know why I bothered
I keep thinking every text message, every time my phone flashes it's you. Shame I prove myself wrong every time.
I wish you would include me when stuff like this happens. I hate not knowing if you're ok. We're meant to be as one not individual when it comes to stuff like this. I miss you so much and I wish you would reply. I hate not being part of this :(
You shit is everywhere, and your freinds leave theirs lying around in my space...fuck off would ya.
stop giving me shit for shit that i didn't do. ffs. it wasn't me.
I hit your car by accident and now you want me to pay for EVERYTHING? Out of niceness I offered to pay but this shit is too much now.
Why would you txt me to say your bf is lovely? What do reply to that with? We all know he's too good for you. Fucking idiot.
almost had a head-on collision with a motorcycle at a petrol station because he came out of the side of the station at full speed heading the wrong way right at me. at a fucking petrol station! as if the roads weren't enough for them to act like assholes! for fuck's sake grow a fucking brain! it takes less than 1 minute to go the right way!
You and that stupid fucking phone. Seriously.
Why would you laugh at someone else's misfortune. Yeh you hate her but if it happened to me how would you feel?!
So that's how it is is huh?
REALLY?! you know I don't like her and you tell her to be your secretary, REALLY?!
inconsiderate and unappreciative. thanks dear bf of mine.
sorry you had to do one fucking thing for me. inconsiderate much? I do shit for you daily and don't fucking complain.
can you at least have the decency to not make plans that exclude me when i'm not around? thank god i'm quitting and i won't have to put up with assholes for colleagues.
Tantrums and little madam, anything else you want to call your girlfriend?!