Browsing Moans 341–360
i keep waiting for you to tell me that I'm not imagining things.
that you feel it, too, this magnetic spark that makes my hair stand on end whenever you're around and makes me just want to touch you, just because my skin feels like it has to.
where are you?
So sad atm
People are always pissed off with me... no need to be blunt
How does one make amends with oneself? How does one make the insufferable sadness undone? How does one escape eternal darkness?
There was a time where I would lend my advice to others on these sort of things. But these days, I simply do not know anymore.
As sad as I'll ever be.
Why do I have to put up with stinking cigarette smoke in my face all the time in the street? And meat cooking on stands in the street? And petrol fumes? Get out of my face. I wish it was OK to wear face masks in the UK like they do in Japan. Toxic wankers.
I hate her - she is gross, stinks of fags and of feet. She is so loud when she eats. She underestimates me and disrespects me. To top it off she is racist and homophobic. When she wants to impress or seem clever/important, she pouts. What a horrible person. I am so much better than you. Dick.
I fucking HATE this anxiety disorder. I am doing my best to manage it but at 34, it's getting me down. If those fuck-witted homophobes had not made my life hell when I was a teenager then I would probably not be experiencing this shit now. Fuck YOU catholic ass-holes who are still spouting bullshit about my life being 'against family values'. It's my LIFE you child-abusing hypocritical pricks! This prejudice will lead to more young people being as fucked up as I was (and still am, to a lesser degree). I am fucking insulted that the issue of whether I can or cannot marry my partner of 14 years is being debated here in the UK. There should be no debate about it! Marriage may not be for me anyway as I subscribe to the anarcho-queer way of being. However, I'd like the fucking choice! Thank fuck for punk rock.
You really don't help yourself, you know that? You cling to the same people, afraid to meet anybody new for fear of rejection. And it gets tiring, you trying to talk everyday about the same things. I really, honestly, do not care. And then you go back and try and get back with your ex, who you do nothing but complain about anyway. If you eventually do, you'll only break up and wonder where it all went wrong, and then come crying back to me, and I'll have to pretend to care. Again. Please, sort your life out and climb out of this rut you've got yourself voluntarily stuck in.
I am in a relationship with an incredibly lovely, funny man, but I fear he's too boring and not physically attractive enough for me. I love him, but I feel like a bitch constantly.
You're fucking unreasonable. Stop fucking controlling me.
well, fuck you too
I just got in to work, leave me the fuck alone. I do not charge enough to be treated like shit by clients.
I want to tell the whole world to fuck off today
Will everyone stop going on about 50 shades of grey? It's shit!
You're a slut. That's not something you should be proud of you pathetic excuse for a human being.
I loved you more than anything.
And then you left me.
I sincerely hope I die before you make me have that conversation with you one more time.
i think i want to marry you. i wish you'd notice my existence.
I punched a cat in the face.