A whole year after YOU decided to be a prick and claim against my car insurance for something so minor and you decide to text me asking if I'm ok?! FUCK YOU.
Browsing Moans 301–320
All I want is the life I long for.
You fucking prick. The drain manhole does not belong to you. You're a benefit cheating shit head who thinks he's a big man. I got news for you, you are one phone call away from being deported and reported for benefit fraud. One day it will all come back to you and your shit family. Hopefully it'll also come back to your fresh kid too. When you least expect you'll have your cake and eat it too! I cannot wait til it all fucks up in your face. Dickhead.
The noise from your annoying laptop keyboard when you type is pissing me off. You're not a fucking journalist, harper down shit face.
Feel like the biggest dumbest stupidest dumbfuck person ever. I actually still thought at the bottom of my heart you'd make an effort. Love definitely doesn't exist, it's just a fucked up thing you see in movies that makes stupid girls like me believe that one day it could happen to them. Fuck it all.
I'd do ANYTHING for you, like a fucking idiot. You warned me of my so called friend and how she behaves but you did the same thing. When YOU wanted something I did it at the drop of the hat despite being fucking ill. All I asked for was one weekend for US, you know, the girlfriend you've been with for over 2 fucking years. Thanks for showing your appreciation. From your second to EVERYTHING.
Okay, let's lay down some guidelines here. Just so we can make sure we understand what's being appropriate, and what's totally inappropriate:
1) It's okay to occasionally reply to somebody that you follow on twitter.
2) It's a bit weird if they're 20 years younger than you, but it's still okay.
3) It's not okay to add them on facebook and send them messages about how they're such a wonderful person. Constantly.
4) It's not okay to send all their friends tweets and follow them all and intrude on all their online conversations.
5) It's not okay to reply to every single tweet they post with some kind of comment which you hope will result in a converstaion.
6) It's not okay to send them direct messages four times a day.
7) It's not okay to try and arrange a time to meet up with them offline.
8) It's not okay to tell them all your problems, they don't care.
Okay. I'm glad we cleared that up. Now, having learnt that little lesson, get on with your life and stop stalking.
Seriously, grow up.
Fuck you, you property bitch whore.
don't say you're listening. you're not fucking listening.
don't try to screw me over, bitch. you won't know what hit you.
Who the fuck decides to cook disgusting smelling food at this time of night.
Fuck sake.
You, white people, will never understand what we, brown and black peoples, have to endure. Do us a favour, stay out of our lives.
What you did was wrong. I know that you know that, and I know you admit it to yourself. Guess we can't always have our cake and eat it, can we. I've moved on from the whole situation now, but I feel like I need to get out the last bit of bitterness that's living within me.
The worst part for me was that you lied to my face. You came into my room, looked me in the eye, and lied to me. And I believed you, because I respected you, not believing you would do something like that.
I don't think you fully appreciate what you did to the family, either. Mum couldn't cope. The time after you left was one of the hardest of my life, watching my own mother break down every day. Not letting myself feel the emotions that were ready to explode inside of me, because I had to stay strong for mum and my brother. I don't know what would have happened if I wasn't there.
I don't need to say anymore, because I know you're still living with the guilt of it all while we, for the best part, have been able to put it behind us and move on to a better stage of our life.
Thanks for coming to see me, not like I've had major surgery and have moved back home where I'm 5 minutes from your house :/
Just so you and your whore vagina know, he's not a celebrity, he's just some guy who didn't quite get gold in the olympics. He didn't care about you, and I'm pretty sure he's gay anyway. So fuck you, and fuck him, and fuck was I thinking ever dating you.
I don't like talking about people behind their backs, but with you I'll make the exception because you're too fucking emotionally unstable to be able to handle the truth to your face. So here's a little reality check for you.
1) Nobody actually likes you. Everybody you know has complained about you to me at least once, most on a regular occasion. I can see exactly where they're coming from.
2) You're the last person in the world who can tell me how to eat healthily. Whatever you believe, pasta is healthier than deep fried chips. Get that into your head. You'd have thought the fact that I'm in a much better shape than you would be a shining example of why I'm right, but apparently not.
3) You need to stop complaining you're overweight and continuing to stuff your face with a fucking multi-pack of mars bars. Your excuses for not going to the gym are ridiculous, "I don't like the showers" being a personal highlight. If you want to lose weight, get on a fucking treadmill. Don't sit there crying into your Krispy Kremes.
4) You're not a nice person. The tone of your voice with everything you say is disgusting, and 'twat' seems to come out of your mouth every other word. When I laugh when you say "I guess I'm just too nice!", it's because I'm trying to figure out if there's any way on earth you could be serious.
5) You're fucking lazy. Every single things is "too much effort", from walking up a hill that literally takes 45 seconds to taking putting on a jumper when you're cold.
I swear down, if you say something is too much effort, or call someone a twat, or bitch about my friend, or do any of this shit you think I think is funny anymore, I'm going to stab you in the face with a shovel. Repeatedly. Sort your fucking life out.
Those people who write this sort of thing on facebook should definitely just come here.
There is a woman who works in my office, she walks away from her desk to stand next to mine to have her loud personal phone calls, obviously she doesn't want to disturb anybody sitting near to her. How considerate.
I hate being a woman. Also, I hate feminists.