I don't know if you're doing it just to get attention, or just because you're being an asshole. But spreading things about other people that aren't true is never a good thing to do. Especially when it's about me. I've asked you to stop before, and you didn't. So consider this a warning - if you spread rumours over school, I'll spread your face over the pavement. Got it?
Browsing Moans 381–400
maybe if you actually do something around the house, i wouldn't mind you living with me and hiving off me. fucking freeloader.
to me it doesn't matter that me and mr perfect are not engaged or married it; it will happen. for you, it was ARRANGED. you will have to live with the fact that no guy wanted you before him. he was desperate to get married and you fitted the bill perfectly. at least my other half knows the difference between a dick and a vagina, maybe he can touch your raisins on your chest and orgasm over that!!
I hate your passiveness
I'm sick of being everyone's shoulder to cry on. Sort out your own goddamn bullshit for a change.
All I want is to want somebody. I don't know why, but it's like I'm numb when it comes to that. I don't care if they don't want me back. I just want to know that I've got the capacity to feel that way for someone still.
I really wish I was just one person's priority
i'm not sure why I actually bothered today
ha all in on girls
Great now that's another thing I have to sort out, thanks for making me look like a twat.
Thank you so much for asking me how I am. No I'm not in any pain at all you prick.
Meh fuck you. I really don't know why I bother if you can't even be honest with me. Almost two years and you're still afraid to tell anyone in your family about me. What's the point.
You think you're like, so popular.
You're really not.
Being part of a team means that you do your fair share of the work. It doesn't mean that you have the right to sit at your laptop and say you're not doing it because you basically can't be bothered. The work needs to be done very very soon, and I'm sat here working my ass off already, and now by the sound of it we're going to have to do even more because you don't have the motivation to do any yourself.
It's difficult, you knew that going in. But you have absolutely no right to just say you're not doing it.
There's no 'i' in team.
There is, however, a 'u' in CUNT.
When we were younger, they told us we could be anything we wanted to be. That we could do anything we wanted to do. It's funny how quickly you realise that actually this isn't the case. The time that we have to start thinking realistically comes way too soon, and often the things we want to do are almost impossible to achieve. It becomes too risky to do the things we truly want, so we find ourselves settling for second best. The lives we long for and the people we want to be don't exist outside of the movies, and there's nothing we can do about it. And I don't want that to be my life.
But a lot of the time, it doesn't seem like I have all that much of a choice.
you're an asshole
If I start to lose friends because of what you did, when I wasn't even there, then you're probably not going to like the consequences all that much.
I can't believe you would say something like that.
mind is cramped with too much detail....will it go away i cant let it because i need to keep it till next week but im worried with info overload...what if i dont remember id be gutted if all this comes to nothing.... :(
Stop using my fucking plates, stop using my fucking cutlery, stop taking my fucking food, stop using my fucking mugs and glasses, stop using my fucking baking dishes, stop using my fucking ketchup, and stop using my fucking butter.
I don't care if we live together, USE YOUR OWN SHIT.