your broken leg hasn't caused a broken brain. get off your ass and do some work you asswipe. i'm fucking dying here.
Browsing Moans 161–180
How can I contain a moan to a few words? A moan is a precious thing, it should be savoured and explained. You can not box a moan in you have to let it free. It comes from the soul. ... Enough of my bollox - for fucks sake Moanlog, I can't moan in three sentences! I am lost
i feel small. very, very small. and very silly.
I need to learn to be happy with what I've got but it's so fucking difficult sometimes.
no matter what I do, how much money I spend on you or treat us, I will never be that person you want to marry and you will never admit it
disappointed, as always
what's the point in always trying to please you when in reality it is hardly ever reciprocated
Let's get some MORE black people on television.
for fucking fucks sake!!!
Kelloggs give a child a breakfast fund. So the parents of these children can not be fucked to give their child a breakfast. Don't give me it is because the parents can't afford it, the kids come first, simples. Why is it that Kelloggs are coming to the rescue and not social services. Clever Kelloggs providing a nice plaster over child neglect and selling lots of cereal too!
alright, just kidding. it's awesome!
this new version sucks. I want the old one back! really! now!
So what I was hoping for was a lovely Grandma for my daughter. What I have is an alcoholic, hard faced and exceptionally cruel bitch of a mother in law that has accomplished nothing in her lousy life. You can't choose your in laws can you? At least her vile, foul mouthed husband has taken his elevator ride to hell so there is only one of them to have to be nice to.
Tomorrow I shall share a photo of my breakfast, say how little Joey is doing at school and then share something cryptic like "that's it I quit" - just to be ironic. What I want to share is "the physical law of Conservation of Momentum is the smoking gun for me, what do you think?"
8 hours later, I put a status saying I had a bunion on my left toe and fuck me if I didn't have the whole of the 'Hun' club come out to say they were "thinking of me", "you alright hun"?, "Love you hun", one even told me that "things do get better, just give it time" etc etc. It is a bunion? Are people so very shallow? (continued)
What is up with my FB friends? I am sure they are dead from the neck up. I put a link on my status to the best and I mean the very best investigation I have ever seen into a certain day in 2001. It left me questioning things on so many levels and I wanted to share, even enter into a informed debate with people I care about. Did I get one like? - nope, nothing, not a dicky bird (continued)
Sometimes it would just be nice for them to notice the good things I do instead of picking out every single bad thing I have ever done and never giving up on getting at me for them.
Nice to see I'm Not even a thought for you on New Year's Day. Whereas I stupidly put you first. Always, Thank you
Dreams no longer come true, mine never did
I am overweight my partner is skinny. My partner smokes I don't. My partner is ocd about cleaning I am not but I am clean and very tidy. I am kind, loving and considerate. My partner is self orientated thoughtless and cold. My partner says cruel things to hurt me on purpose. I think I hate her.