I think I might be bisexual. Didn't see that one coming.
Browsing Moans 201–220
I haven't done anything wrong. I've hardly seen you today. You're pissing me off. Stop acting like a child.
you're 32 years old. why the fuck can't you clean up after yourself?
Stop banging on about how less you eat you fat pig. You ate that tray of food all by yourself in one go!!!
Oh bugger.
Stop liking your own status and photos; you're lane dumbass
Toxic people - they gossip, bully, steal and still are able to walk the earth not understanding the hurt and chaos they inflict. How is this? - how can they not understand or do they just not care?
I just don't get it - there has got to be some pay back coming from somewhere. I would love to see what this would be, surly they have it coming.
If and when their time comes I will bring the popcorn
I have a dream, a dream for tonight where Satan and his accomplices of evil call their leader home from the midst of the raging inferno. She, entranced will step forward, trip due to the obscene height of her boots and fall into the fire. But the fire won’t finish her off, oh no , as she is from hells backside. No what will do her in is a helpful neighbour stepping in with a glass of water or maybe me with a hose. She will be drenched and then just like in the wizard of oz, she will melt into a pool of slime.
Everyone will be very surprised that she actually wasn’t a human being but a witch from hell but they will soon go back to eating burgers. I in the meantime would not want anyone to slip in the green oozing slime and so will put sawdust down. Just like they did at school. People could also use it as a handy ashtray. Then when a convenient time arises, she will be swept into a black rubbish sack that has also been used to empty the litter tray and disposed of. Forever a mix of slime and cat piss.
I don’t think it will come true, I think she will come back from the nights festivities, complain about the food, people, fireworks etc etc and then return to her coffin, only to rise in the morning to continue her rampage of evil. I can only cross my fingers!
So the evil witch mother in law from hell is going to a bonfire party tonight. She has just left looking like a pus filled geriatric Suzie Quatro. Dressed head to foot in black to match her soul, I have been asked if she “looks alright”. I said I liked her boots. I do like her boots because they look uncomfortably high and she may have a bonfire related accident when she drinks too much of her tramp juice. So yes, I like her boots very much.
I think she may have dressed to pull some unfortunate to suck the life from. To think of her whispering sweet nothings makes me want to vomit. The “romance of the century” could lead to her trapping the poor bloke into a night of passion. Ewwwwww god help him. Still in the cold light of day with the beer goggles removed and her lying like the living dead next to him – it shouldn’t last long. (cont)
Yep, the quilt is fucked..... but she "doesn't know how that happened".
I have a horrible feeling that one of her gnomes is going to meet it's maker tonight.
Go to hell, you alcoholic, plague ridden, crappy washer woman from hell!
Alcoholism - "it's a disease". Bollox! I have met a few over the years and I can say they are self centred pieces of shit that make everyone's life truly hell. You can tell a family who has an alcoholic in their midst, they are too scared to say anything and walk on broken glass so as not to upset the poor misfortunate.
I have an answer, instead of forgiving and helping, why not send them to their own private island where tramp juice is available on tap. They can drink themselves into oblivion and wake up in their own piss. Moreover without a family member to make sure they are ok, they may not wake up at all and do us all a favour.
Alcoholics - you know the ones, the vacant stares, the swearing, the shouting, the punching - those people. Bastards
Rant over
I can't believe it as I sit here now, a handmade quilt I made over 4 months while I was pregnant with my daughter is going around in the washer on a 60 wash. Yes, oh yes, my rancid alcoholic mother in law who I have the misfortune of living with me shoved it in the wash along with her pants.
Don't get me wrong this is not an unfortunate accident, oh no this is a deliberate thing because she is a cruel, selfish manipulative old hag and delights in being as nasty as she can, especially to me.
I need to turn the other cheek, keep my enemy close etc etc to keep my sanity but it feels good to let it out.
i'm going to fuck your girlfriends. i'm going to enjoy it, but don't worry, you'll get the last laugh.
whilst everyone thinks the world of you, those closer to you know that the sun does not shine out of your backside. in fact, they know all that you have done you skanky hoe.
My neighbor works night shift. At about 11pm the other night, I heard a car arrive next door. I was sitting out back when a couple came outside. I could hear whispers, giggles, and panting, until the sound of a breathless, passionate, lustful moan escaped my neighbor's wife's lips. Then they scrambled into the house. I don't know if it was anther man with my friend's wife, maybe role play, maybe their teenage daughter and her friend. Would you say something to your neighbor? If it had happened at your home while you were working nightshifts, would you want you neighbor to say something to you?
i don't want to be here. i hate this. i feel so uncomfortable.
psycho bitch psycho bitch psycho bitch psycho bitch psycho bitch psycho bitch psycho bitch psycho bitch
My wife is chronically sick and will not get better
My job sucks
I have no friends
I hate myself
I feel too tired to try and start again
And even if I did, I think I would probably fail
With my attitude the way it is - I would definitely fail
My biggest problem is me.
And I wish (but am equally terrified of) that I had someone I could talk openly to.
My largest fear is that actually I'm just a whingy little fuck
Reading this - I'm convinced I am.
what a shit friday
thanks for putting the final nail in the coffin, you bastards