moanlog – Anonymous moaning

Exhibit #929

I liked this boy who is 2 years older than me for over a year, and he would always lead me on, which really didn't help. At his older brothers birthday party (we are close family friends) he got really drunk, he started texting me when I was right next to him telling me to meet him in the bathroom, I knew he was drunk and I didn't want too. He kept touching my leg and trying to persuade me, then I actually needed to pee. So I went to the bathroom and then when I came out he was standing in there and pushed me back in. He turned the lights off and started hugging me and kissing me, but he stunk. The thing is, I used to think I was in love with him, so I didn't care and I was flattered. Only now is it that I realised I was very wrong. I ended up getting scared because he was really drunk and saying things. He wouldnt let me out the bathroom so I ended up saying to him, "if you don't let me out now, I'll scream" so he let me out. I ended up telling my mum because I was so scared after, so shaken up. She told his mum and things got a bit worse. But then better, he wrote me a letter saying how sorry he is and how much he regrets it. But ever since then he aparently still feels bad, and it's been a year.. He won't talk to me and its awkward because we meet up every week because of our families, but it's like I'm invisible, he looks straight through me, I know I really liked him but I still feel like somethings missing, I just want him to speak to me again, atleast smile, or look at me, or even join me in a conversation, but it's just not happening. I messaged him a while back saying you shouldnt feel bad etc. but im invisible to you now. and he hasnt replied. That message was sent 5 months ago... How do I get him to message me back or even realize I exist again?