if you are going to help yourself to the stuff in my medicine cabinet whilst you live with us, atleast replace it and replace it with the same stuff, don't for example (like you did before) use my £2+ strepsils and then replace them with 50p soothers!
i've just gone to the fucking cabinet to get some beechams flu plus and they are gone. now your brother won't have used them as he gets on with it when he has a cold, unlike you, you wus! who takes a week off for a sniffle (like your dad) and the last time i had a cold, i was pregnant and couldn't take them!
luckily i found a couple tablets in my first aid kit...
and don't give me the crap that your brother doesn't like anyone to be ill, he's just not a pussy like you!! he know's that the world doesn't stop because of runny noses or "a bit of a sore throat!" he's a man, and maybe if you learnt from him, you would be too! and you wouldn't be living in our "spare" room!