So the evil witch mother in law from hell is going to a bonfire party tonight. She has just left looking like a pus filled geriatric Suzie Quatro. Dressed head to foot in black to match her soul, I have been asked if she “looks alright”. I said I liked her boots. I do like her boots because they look uncomfortably high and she may have a bonfire related accident when she drinks too much of her tramp juice. So yes, I like her boots very much.
I think she may have dressed to pull some unfortunate to suck the life from. To think of her whispering sweet nothings makes me want to vomit. The “romance of the century” could lead to her trapping the poor bloke into a night of passion. Ewwwwww god help him. Still in the cold light of day with the beer goggles removed and her lying like the living dead next to him – it shouldn’t last long. (cont)