moanlog – Anonymous moaning

Exhibit #1102

What you did was wrong. I know that you know that, and I know you admit it to yourself. Guess we can't always have our cake and eat it, can we. I've moved on from the whole situation now, but I feel like I need to get out the last bit of bitterness that's living within me.
The worst part for me was that you lied to my face. You came into my room, looked me in the eye, and lied to me. And I believed you, because I respected you, not believing you would do something like that.
I don't think you fully appreciate what you did to the family, either. Mum couldn't cope. The time after you left was one of the hardest of my life, watching my own mother break down every day. Not letting myself feel the emotions that were ready to explode inside of me, because I had to stay strong for mum and my brother. I don't know what would have happened if I wasn't there.

I don't need to say anymore, because I know you're still living with the guilt of it all while we, for the best part, have been able to put it behind us and move on to a better stage of our life.