Browsing Moans 1061–1080
Everyone in my class hates one of lectures. As class rep I had to approach the head of department and tell him "our" concerns. The only problem is that this lecturer has done so much for me personally already. Got me outside work and jobs.
Et tu Butus.
If you've got a job interview tomorrow and you want me to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for it, don't ring me up the night before expecting me to drop everything for you.
I've told you I'm going out at 6, if you haven't sent the stuff over before 5:40, you're on your own, and you probably shouldn't get the job if you've left this last minute.
I hate being a shelver. The same books over and over and over again... and no one cares. It's like the people think the books magically get on the shelves on their own! seriously... If we weren't there, then the library would cease to function. And we get no gratitude. Just more work.
Y can't people just ask b4 that steal your jelly babies?
Serriously, I set up an Amazon wishlist for a reason. You're shit gifts are that reason.
Why am i feeling so much pain after you broke up our 12 years relationship? I'll tell you why, its because you're acting like you don't even care, and i feel like a worthless piece of horse shit. Thanks a lot, i thought you loved me.
Sorry I got in the wrong lane, jesus christ. I had my indicator to go into the correct lane, if people let me through then you wouldn't have had to horn like a 5 year old getting their toy stepped on, who couldn't wait 10 seconds.
Hey! Snoopy! Stop trying to be a watchdog and get everyone in trouble. You are too nosy and way too annoying. I hate the sound of your voice and I hate the way you shuffle your feet when you walk. Grow a personality!
What the fuck bitch. One day, you're sitting there sending me messages how you "miss me" and "miss us", and then the next day I look and you have a new boyfriend. What the fuck. I guess you are another chick to add to the list of typical whore's that I've come to know. Hope you die of AID's cock sucker.
You are the Queen of Cunts. You are a cunt in *SO* may ways, I don't think I could keep track. You think everyone wants your nasty ass, but everyone says your pussy ain't worth a damn. So, drama queen it up, you fucking whore, everyone knows your game now. CUNT
Fuck my travel agent for misleading me so much about the total price of the ticket. I wouldn't mind but Ive paid the deposit now. They put a password on my itinarary and then failed to tell me the password. When I went into the store they said the total price was 100kYen, but now it appears I will have to pay 150kYen. I should have been more careful, but still Fuck NO1 Travel (Osaka Office).
is it that difficult to listen to the teacher when she clearly explained to NOT PUT YOUR SOLUTION FILLED PIPPET INTO THE HOT WATER BASIN. well if your not capable of listening prehaps you shouldnt be taking this course as you will know that doing that might effect the results, wait no EVERYONES result. i think it will be more effective if you go back to playgroup where you mind capability will probably match that of a youngster.
oi retard, i think its fair enough to say that MY food is well you know MEANT FOR ME. it doesnt mean you can take it and pretend that it was someone elses, i mean who else friggin buys food for the house? just you or me. i dont think its too difficult to deduce who bought it. well hopefully karma will make you choke on my food and die, then i will be the one who will be jumping on your grave calling you a absolute wanker for stealing my food all the time. that will teach you.
to my worthless, spear chucking neighbor who pressure cleans his patio at 10pm on a weekday, plays christmas music at volumes 5 decibels louder than a jet engine, and schedules drinking parties at 6 in the morning on a sunday and then gets upset when i call the cops for violating the noise ordinances: go fuck yourself.
A big fuck you to my coworker. Just because you are older than most everyone else doesnt give you permission to act cool like the younger folks. IF you cant hack it here, fucking get out. All you do is make it more miserable for those who are competent enough to do our jobs right. Fuck you fuck you fuck you.
To Ruth my mother-in-law; you lying, vain sack of pus. Hope your sagging tits trip you up on your next Costco run. You're the only reason they sell 10 pound trays of shepherd's pie.
I really hate how Facebook and its ilk have completely changed the definition of "friends." Like, the actual friend I've known for years but have lost touch with over the last few months won't bother answering a message I sent him just to check in, but high school friends I hadn't spoken to in decades before I found them on Facebook will comment on my status as soon as it goes up.
If you call an e-mail address or some kind of authentication handle an "ID", I swear to god I will engrave "stupid cunt" onto your forehead with a blunt knife.
Why start a conversation with me if you're only going to ignore me and pretend I don't exist?
This only makes you look like a fucking cow in my eyes and I never forget when someone acts like a prick towards me.
Every one on my floor comes home at 3 in the morning piss drunk and screaming at the top of their lungs every goddamn weekend and most weekdays too. One day, I will slaughter you all, but silently and at a reasonable hour.