when your laugh is like a fucking baboon or some kind of ridiculous sounding drum, please try and limit the amount of times you open that gob. jesus christ i am trying to work here. i don't need you laughing unnecessarily loud.
Browsing Moans 981–1000
could you please stop touching me? honestly. stop! okay, i know you are still going to sit reeeeealy close to me on the couch, and fucking hum, and smile at me because you aren't fucking touching me. but just stop it. fuck. get. away. i mean it. stop. stop. okay i'm moving away.
I haaaaaaaaate people touching my MacBook screen. I'm always cleaning it to get rid of greasy fingered idiots' marks off, then as soon as I do it, someone else touches it. If my MacBook wasn't a piece of electronic gorgeousness I wouldn't care.
How would you feel if you're looking at the screen and all you can see are two fucking fingerprints.
You and your friend keep telling me you want to go places, how about you stop telling me you want to go and start telling me when you want to go. There's nothing more I hate than people who can't make their minds up and end up pissing me off.
listen you stupid fucking woman, you absolute fucking chav fuck. why the fuck must you start shouting at your equally dickish boyfriend every night when i'm trying to sleep. Although i take pleasure in the fact that you will die alone having achieved nothing with you're life, the fact is while you are still breathing you are getting in the way of mine. 'aargh kevin fuuuck, waaa fuck' seriously. SHUT UP. stop wasting air and die. this goes for all you chavy drum n' bass listening, alcoholic fucks.
people who stop right in front of you when you're walking. What are you doing? Do you have no self awareness at all? Next time im gona plough through you, you stupid fuck
Dear WHSmith,
When ordering from your online shop, please give ANY indication as to when my item will be delivered. I had the option to select whether it was delivered to me or if I wanted to pick it up in-store. Maybe that's a good place to put an estimation? :)
I swear to god I will kill him. It's only a matter of time. The reason nothing works on your machine is because you never fucking let me near it. Everytime I try you say you're too busy, then you take it away and home. I wouldn't care but the problem gets worse, you blame me to the M.D., I get reprimanded, try to fix the machine and you tell me you're too busy!
I swear to fucking god your time is coming to an end.
for two people who claim to love me so much, it seems they are surprisingly ignorant to how much their childish fighting is fucking my life up. i wonder which one is the bigger liar.
For someone who sells computer equipment to not know how to properly use one is fucking ridiculous.
If you come up to me and say: "I need Office 2007. By the way, for the last 6 months a strange program called Bo Peep keeps opening and closing the anti virus but I didn't think it was important. Is it?" Then I should be allowed to punch your dick up into your stomach and piss over your eyeballs.
Do you want to bring the whole fucking network down with your endless stupidity? If something seems wrong then fucking tell me before half a fucking year has passed.
This Liberian has literally walked past me 6 times in the last 3 minutes. I don't think anyone has sneaked in, I don't think any Student is masturbating in the corner, I don't think anything has changed that much since you last checked.
"As you're new to the University in September ...", right... it's now March and I'm JUST NOW getting an email describing various services and people in the University that can help me.
What's the point? Most of the things that I was worried about aren't in my mind anymore, and I would have descovered the stuff that I care about.
You need to work on your timing.
We just had the same lecture, same slides, we were in the same lecture theatre, we listened to the same guy speak, yet after all that, you still felt the need to be as predictable as breathing and copy my notes at the end.
Why? Do you think he selectively said something to me and not to you through some alien technology we both have?
you fucking disgust me, you fat fucks. eat less. walk more. scientifically proven, you blubber assed piece if shit. don't moan and carp and wheeze, don't stink up the fucking area around you, and if your fat ass falls over, don't look to me for a hand up, my back is bad enough.
fuck her. maniac bitch. fuck her.
I hate my fat stupid selfish stepmother
fuck plane ticket prices.
To the boy I was going to break up with today who broke up with me instead: Fuck you. Being rejected, even by someone you don't want to be around, hurts. I would have broken up with you like a decent human being, instead of taking a part of you with me.
To my ex wife who is still living in my house: Why the fuck go to bed and forget your washing in the machine? Then you go downstairs at 2am and put in the dryer, but disregarding the info i told you about closing the dryer door. For fucks sake, you don't have to slam it shut you sponging fat whore, just close it gently then press hard in the middle where the latch is.
I swear, if i thought it was socially acceptable i'd cut your nipples off you annoying slut.
What the fuck is up with the specsavers site?! I washed my hair and shaved especially to take a nice pic to use on their site to help me choose some nice glasses.
Now i can't get on the site.
Bunch of CUNT.