moanlog – Anonymous moaning

Browsing Moans 821–840

Send me a text, ruin my day why don't you. Piss off. That is all.

Yes you mac keyboard is nice, but stop fucking banging the keys like you wnt to fucking poke the life out of it!!

When you worked with someone on a regular basis that not only can't spell your name properly, but spell it differently at all times, just makes you wonder how much you actually mean to them and their company.

I'm always here for you, whenever you need it, so don't get pissed off if I tell you to shut up ONCE because I'm having a bad day, okay!

Why the hell do I have to keep making the effort...I'm the one who texts/calls/messages etc..make an effort already

I really wanted to kiss you today. But I couldn't.

You are engaged to your girlfriend so why the fuck do still keep calling me.

The girl you are falling for is going to mess up your fucking life.... Your are screwed!!! Dont ever come back to me later because I did warn you about her. Your life is fucked and so are you!!!!

ok youre seriously pissing me off bitch - just because you stress like a retard doesnt mean we all have to. Youre fucking me off and I swear to God I will break your Macbook if you carry on. You stupid drama queen!!!

I thought you were one of the most nicest, sweetest guys EVER and then you go and ruin it. Whatever, your loss.

I started talking to this guy, but he's younger than me by 10 years. The emails & text messages were going really well and we were getting to know each other. I haven't been serious about anyone since my last relationship failed.
A few days go I couldn't stop thinking about him, so I rang him on my lunch break from work, just to hear his voice, the conversation was cut short by him as he was at work & was told he'll be in touch. He hasn't been in touch since.
I've been constantly checking my mobile, FB & twitter page to see if he has replied. Nothing. I think I should give up on guys all together.

You're blocked from my Facebook for a reason dude; you update your status 5 times a second with the longest essays that would put an examiner to sleep, then you start commenting on other peoples stuff with your ridiculous “wisdom” and “wit” that you think is smart.

I get that you want me to remove pics of you from my Facebook, but why the fuck don't you detag and change YOUR security settings, bitch please!! If you knew your pictures would be seen by your precious family, you should NEVER accepted their friend request then. Your fault for being so fakely can't have your cake and eat it!!

stop joining those lame ass facebook profiles, GFY!!

why do blackberry users think they are 'above' iPhone users? One is clearly better...the other doesn't even compare...

It occurs to me now that I have been an addict since middle school, using drugs to numb the anguish from a perceived lifetime streak of inferiority. Along the way, there were friends and lovers in a degerating sequence of interest. Today, I see that everyone is gone and I am alone. Perhaps moving alone across the country and severing all ties to home at age 18 wasn't an idea rife with particularly adept foresight.

Today, I hide in the library and cry about long-gone ex-girlfriends, about the emotional reaction I experience when seeing others, about the dearth of social energy, about the regret of talent squandered and chances wasted.

Everyday I see others whose adversities are unavoidably conspicuous -- I feel a dull charge that I cannot help them in some way, though I feel an acute shock of guilt that I cannot get past my own self-induced issues and appreciate my able body and (once) clear mind.

Now, I see that I am sapping resources from a world that have an opportunity cost far greater than the return I could ever generate from them. The world would be economically better-off if someone else were breathing this air instead of me. The world would be economically better-off if someone else were absorbing the sunshine.

Today is perhaps the most hollow I have felt in my short life. I am glad this space exists for me to express this sentiment, because I certainly don't think that I should approach others with these concerns. If there is one thing I have learned as a young-adult, it's that there is no solace to be found in others -- they just want you to stop talking. And so, I shall.

Why is life unfair to some people more than others? God, please, give him a chance! He deserves better!

If I tell a colleage something that I have no formal obligation to share with them (but it would be helpful for them to know), I think I've done the nice, friendly thing by them. If said colleague then decides to tell everyone else in the team while I'm on my lunch break, they have been an utter shit and should be subject to a disciplinary. You BASTARD - who the fuck do you think you are?

Today has been awful. I wake up and the shower is broken. I go downstairs, run out of cereal. Car breaks down on the way to work, I LOSE MY JOB for being late too often (totally not), boyfriend breaks up with me, and wants to take the dog we got together with him. Tomorrow can only be better.

Failed my driving test. AGAIN. For the 4th time. Think I'll just take the bus now.

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