moanlog – Anonymous moaning

Browsing Moans 621–640

I love being a woman but sometimes when my mother puts the most ridiculous restrictions on me [can't go out late, can't meet boys alone, can't dress inappropriately], I hate being a woman especially with so many aspirations of freedom in my head.

Please, for the love of god, use BCC if you're sending (read: spamming) a lot of recipients in email.

I don't really appreciate every moron in the world having my personal email address.

If you don't know what BCC is, get off the computer.

Why do people speed? I just don't get it. You're not going to get wherever THAT much faster. You may think you look hard or cool, but you don't.

I love driving at the speed limit and watching the impatient idiot behind get frustrated. It's SO satisfying.

Also, I'm saving you fuel and probably a life.

Why does he laugh more than he did 1 or 2 years ago? Why is he laughing louder? did tv get funnier? I cant understand it. He lives on his own. Who is going to hear him anyway? He's such a piece of shit. Sometimes im full of rage and just want to go down there and beat him up.

Why dont they do something about that noisy cunt downstairs? Why is the noisy cunt downstairs so fucking noisy? What a total asshole. I'm gonna leave this apt and then Im gonna buy one of those airhorns and then Im gonna come round to his apartment every night at 4am and blast that shit through his fucking letter box. What a total fuck head.

never mind the fact that I could have spent that time much more productively

You wouldn't think I just spent 2-3hours making and decorating buns for your birthday because I thought it'd be nice, considering no bastard else in this family have bothered making an effort.

and on that note get the fuck out my house you two

fuck sake stop trying to use words you think will catch on. ok fair enough using 'buddy' got everyone doing it here. but stuff like 'chap', 'bro', and shit like that just makes you sound stupid. so shut the fuck up.

thanks for asking me.

It's not the same
You comfort me by just being there
but you aren't here
I don't do the whole talking thing, i just need you to be around to take my mind away thats all i need

A little tiny bit of appreciation for how hard a work is all I ask, a little understanding

You poisonous little bitch. Rip my family apart why don't you? I hope you rot in hell. I hope you burn for the rest of your disgusting little life, you worthless cunt. Because you're not worth the oxygen you breathe. Though I guess at the same time, you're not worth my hatred, either.
I hope with every fibre in my body, that your worthless body burns, rots, and decays in hell.
I know that I'll come out of this stronger than I went in, but trust me, one day I'll meet you. And I will tell you exactly what I think of you, and what I think you're worth.

oh please piss off

You're too cowardly to embrace love when you feel it and it's staring you right in the face. Ideally, I'd like to think you'll look back on this moment and realise what you've lost and will lose at the end of it all, but you won't.

Was I ever anything more to you than what I am right now? And if so, what? You never tell me.

fucking piece of fuckiung shit fucking stopping me from doing every fucking thing i needed to do today and now i cant because of you you asshole wanking little shit fuck.


Don't have a fucking clue what to do with my life

My whole body hurts. My boss is annoyed at me. I live with somebody who couldn't stand to love me. The guy I was dating turned out to be a cad. Life is shit.

Get off your fucking high horse

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